From Ross Cado, FFE Owner and Driver
Fast Forward Esports is thrilled to partner with SK Sim Racing!
The #12 Ford F-150 will now be adorned with SK Sim Racing logos for the duration of my hunt for the American SimRacing League Fall 2020 Truck Series Championship, and I am grateful to have SK Sim Racing‘s owner Sean Kalist in my corner as I compete.

SK Sim Racing began as an eBay store in June 2018. They specialized in open box gaming and computer peripheral devices. They have since morphed towards a focus on sim racing, with an emphasis on sim racing peripheral devices. They mainly focus on oval racing in the United States and the peripheral devices and rig setups associated primarily with such. In time, SK Sim Racing will have Sean regularly reviewing videos and articles of sim racing products that he has used with the iRacing service.

Throughout my iRacing career, I have relied on other users’ reviews and expertise when facing a serious roadblock pertaining to anything from hardware issues, compatibility and aesthetics problems, and the addition of peripheral devices. Moreover, I have heavily relied on other users’ tips and reviews when it comes to getting the best bang for my buck, and in weighing the “pros and cons” of products relating to the pragmatics of being in the driver’s seat. SK Sim Racing is a growing entity of this stripe, and as a driver in Real Sim Racing–one of the most competitive leagues on the iRacing service–Sean has firsthand knowledge of how much it means to a driver to have top-notch, reliable equipment at their fingertips.

I foresee this partnership flourishing as Sean and I exercise our passion for online motorsports competition–and the many doors it opens up to avail ourselves of the most durable, comfortable, reliable products on the market through which to succeed (and in style) in sim racing. Hopefully, I can bring this truck to victory lane and make my mark in Petty Blue in the American SimRacing League.